Setting up the account was quick and easy. They've made it foolproof, and I had that done in no time. Selecting and uploading photos took more time than expected. And then, of course, there is playing with the photos....
Woo-hoo. I'm off and running. Now, to not get sidetracked with the need to change my avatars clothes and tweak my layout on a daily bais. I can see where the "fun" and "play" come into this. This may even be better than scrapbooking. There is no "undo" option with scissors.
Easiest of the 7 1/2 things: Setting a measurable goal.
Most difficult: Keeping that positive attitude towards challenges. They are just learning opportunities.
Finally took the plunge to be officially 2.0'd. Always eager to learn new things, and especially eager to learn how to incorporate them into the school setting, this should prove useful.